Thursday, March 29, 2007

Go Here 4 More Ideas & Innovation

MoreInspiration( gathers innovations in products and technologies from all possible sectors and domains.The site lists almost 920 innovations from a whole range of industries. Access to the list requires a simple registration and it is worth the effort

Enjoy your visit. Who knows you may become inspired and that may lead to a new innovation.


Innovating the workplace through creative thinking

Every organisation need to change. Without change you will disappear. The question is after convincing the people in the organisation for the need to change, how do we go about bring in new ideas. It is at that point creative thinking becomes useful.It is going to be difficult to Think of new ideas. In situations such as this bring in an outside trainer/facilitator will be a good option.

Creative juice exists in all organisation. The ability to think creatively is a potential force that exists in all organisation. The challenge is to bring this out to the open. How do we go about making way for new ideas@the workplace.

Employees should be trained on creative thinking process, so that they are better equipped to bring our both novel and useful ideas. Ideas and processes developed need to be unique and offers a fresh perspective.

To make that possible managers should conduct training workshops for all their emploees on creative thinking skills. Only then the potential can be harvested to the full. bring out a shift in the mindset. You can make creativity at work successful.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Learning from the Experts

Roger Von Oech is a well known author on creativity. A whack on the side of the head is a must read if you want to reorientate your mindset. He uses fun ideas to stimulate creativity. You will find his blog a wonderful site to visit.

Another useful site one should visit to learn more about creativity and innovation is:

Friday, March 16, 2007

Are You Creative?

The author, Thomas W Dombroski in his book titled 'Illustrated Creative Problem Solving - The Door to progress and Change', states that creative people have certain traits in common. Some of these common characteristics of creative people include the following:

- don't give up easily and persistent in their efforts.
- works with goals and operate as doers
- Has insight over issues
- have driving force
- Don't worry about what other people think

A quick personal reflection is all you need to find out if you are creative. If you can identify with the above qualities or traits then you are creative. After all, all of us are creative.

A Creative person doesn't care what other people think. Creative person knows that once you are afraid of how others will see you, you will loose the ability to think creative. Normally people who are concerned about 'looking silly' tend to have certain fixed ideas and operate on assumptions. How about you?


Friday, March 09, 2007

Why are we reluctant to Think Creatively?

While most of the organisations recognise the power of creative thinking, most of are equally reluctant to take the first step towards thinking creatively. Ernie Schenck, in his book titled 'The Houdini Solution: Put Creativity and Innovation to Work by Thinking INSIDE THE BOX' list 5 fears that keep us frombeing creative. They are:

- Fear of failing

- Fear of succeeding

- Fear of Change

- Fear of going broke

- Fear of Time

We need to manage one fear at a time. That will make it easier. Accept the fact that it require some effort on your part to see meaningful result.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Thinking Creatively in the Box

Almost most trainers and workshop facilitators emphasise the need to think outside the box. In reality, that is not possible. If you are an employee in an organisation, you have not much choice but to follow its process, procedures and policies. In other words, you have to THINK while remaining INSIDE that box. Is it possible to THINK creatively and INNOVATE while still remaining in the box. The answer is YES.

We offer creativity workshops and facilitation sessions to employees in Asia and Middle East. For a complete list of courses we offer visit

Friday, March 02, 2007

New Way of THINKING for New IDEAS

Is it possible to bring out new ideas, while still thinking in your normal style? Unless you adopt a new innovative approach in your thinking style, you will not experience new ideas. The real competitive advantage comes from the people - employees in the organisation make all the difference. Unless we train the employees to view, interpret and respond their day-to-operation, we will not experience any progress.

The Centre for Creative Thinking, a Singapore based training service provider is offering workshops on creativity and related soft skills for clients in Asia and Middle east.

Visit my website:
